Joy of Every Longing Heart (Study Guide)

 “Joy of Every Longing Heart”

Sermon Study Guide for December 18, 2022

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Luke 1:46-55

Two women…

1. Jesus Comes From a Story


the word that holds it together

2. Mary’s Song

a. “My soul glorifies” (1:48-49)

Psalm 27:13-14

b. “Mighty deeds” (1:50-53)

The Proud - Proverbs 16:18

The Rich

“No word from God…”

c. “His servant Israel” (1:54-55)

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Try to imagine what both Mary and Elizabeth might have been feeling or thinking during Luke 1. Sum it up in a sentence.
  2. What word holds the whole “Magnificat” together? What is the significance and meaning of this word?
  3. What does it mean that so much of Mary’s song reflects the Hebrew Scriptures? What might it mean for our own prayer life?
  4. What Scripture do you go back to when life is difficult?
  5. In what way can you help those who are hungry in the months beyond December? What would it take?
  6. Will you let Jesus write you into his story this Christmas? What might that look like for you?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Luke 1:11-17

Tuesday - Luke 1:39-45

Wednesday - Luke 1:26-38

Thursday - Luke 2:8-12

Friday - Luke 1:46-56

Saturday - Hebrews 4:14-16

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: What’s your story/song?


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