Out of Control? (Study Guide)

 “Out of Control?”

Sermon Study Guide for January 8, 2023

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Scripture: Genesis 1:1-3

1. In the beginning…

tohu vavohu

1 Corinthians 14:33

2. Chaos

Acceptance - Woman at the well (John 4)

Control - Peter (Matthew 16; John 18)


“The formless chaos of Genesis is ______________, but God is ____________________.”

Let there be ______________________!

John 1:1-5

Mark 4:39 - “Peace, be still!”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What are your hopes, dreams, and anticipations for the new year?
  2. What chaotic events most challenge you at this point in your life?
  3. When have you said, “That’s not the way I hoped this would go”?
  4. Which way do you tend to confront chaos with—acceptance or control? Give an example. How effective has this been?
  5. How does it affect you to know chaos is temporary?
  6. What does it mean to let “good things run wild”? When have you seen that happen?
  7. What part of your life could most use a dose of peace right now?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Genesis 1:1-2:3

Tuesday - John 1:1-18

Wednesday - John 4:1-26

Thursday - Matthew 16:13-28

Friday - John 18:1-11

Saturday - 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Bring your chaos to the presence of Jesus.


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