Failure to Love (Study Guide)

 “Failure to Love”

Sermon Study Guide for August 4, 2024

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Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

A fractured world…


1. Jesus and the Lawyer

the greatest commandment

2. Failure to Love

a rejection of the commandment

Luke 18 - “thanks that I’m not like them”

turned inward…

the cross

the final meal

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. In what ways have you experienced the world as a fractured place this past week?
  2. What would shalom look like in your world? How would it change the world around us?
  3. Why do you think Jesus chooses to answer the question of the greatest commandment the way he does? How is this command related to the experience of shalom?
  4. In what way have you experienced sin as a failure to love?
  5. Why do we not talk about “sin” anymore?
  6. Have you experienced “sin” as breaking rules? What is the challenge in that understanding?
  7. Why is “turning inward” so dangerous for our spiritual lives?
  8. How does the cross demonstrate Jesus’ call to love God and love others? How will you live that out this week?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - John 17:20-26

Tuesday - Matthew 5:17-20

Wednesday - Luke 18:9-14

Thursday - Luke 22:23-34

Friday - John 13:21-35

Saturday - John 20:19-29

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Love God. Love People. It’s that simple and that hard.


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