Out Loud (Study Guide)

“Out Loud”
Sermon Study Guide for June 17, 2018

Scripture: John 14:8-14

  1. Greater Things
“Show us the Father…”

Matthew 4:17 - “the kingdom”


2. Living Out Loud

“Works of Piety”
a. ____________________

b. Searching the ___________________

c. ____________________

d. ____________________

e. Christian ____________________

“Works of Mercy”
a. Do _________________________

b. Do _________________________

c. Stay _______________________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Recall an experience you had when you felt silenced in sharing what you believe. What happened? How did you respond?
  2. What is the role of “works” in our faith? How do our works give “evidence” of what we believe?
  3. Of the “works of piety,” which one needs the most attention in your spiritual life?
  4. Which “work of mercy” could you build on in your life? How will you go about it?
  5. What is one way you can specifically live “out loud” this week? When will you do that?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 4:12-17
Tuesday - 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Wednesday - Mark 8:14-21
Thursday - John 20:24-29
Friday - John 10:14-21
Saturday - Hebrews 11:6

Resources for Living Out Loud
Harper, Steve. Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition. Upper Room, 1995.

—-. Prayer & Devotional Life of United Methodists. Abingdon, 1999.

Heath, Elaine A. Five Means of Grace. Abingdon, 2017.

Job, Rueben. Three Simple Rules. Abingdon, 2007.


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