Street Crossers (Study Guide)

“Street Crossers”
Sermon Study Guide for June 10, 2018

Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48


  1. “Be Perfect…” (5:48)

the image of God (Genesis 1:27)

1 John 4:8 - “God is ___________________”

Love your neighbor / hate your enemy

Psalm 5:5; 31:6

Luke 10:25-37

2. Christian Perfection
“Purity of heart is to…”


All - Matthew 28:19

Four “alls”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. When you hear the word “perfect,” what comes to mind?
  2. When Jesus said to “be perfect,” what did he have in mind? How does that compare to how we normally think of “perfection”?
  3. What is the purpose God made us for?
  4. Is it easier to love our neighbors or hate our enemies? Why? What does Jesus call us to do?
  5. What is Christian perfection? What is it not?
  6. Are you a missionary? If not, why not?
  7. Where is God calling you to cross the street for the sake of his kingdom?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 5:13-26
Tuesday - Matthew 5:27-48
Wednesday - Matthew 6:1-4
Thursday - Psalm 5
Friday - Psalm 31
Saturday - 1 John 4:7-21

Resources for Christian Perfection
Hamilton, Adam. Revival. Abingdon, 2014.

Harper, Steve. The Way to Heaven. Zondervan, 2003.

Kalas, J. Ellsworth. Being United Methodist. Abingdon, 2012.

Sweet, Leonard. The Greatest Story Never Told. Abingdon, 2012.


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