Magnificent (Study Guide)

Sermon Study Guide for July 22, 2018

Scripture: Luke 1:46-55


  1. Magnificat

a. God _______________ the proud

b. God _______________ the humble

c. God _______________ the hungry

2. A Vision of Who God Is

“Beauty will save the world” (Dostoevsky)

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Who in your life do you consider the best storyteller? What about their stories captivates you?
  2. Have you ever thought of the Bible as a story? If not, why not?
  3. What is it about a story that stays with you? What is the earliest story you remember being told? Why has it stayed with you so long?
  4. What words would you use to describe yourself if you found yourself in Mary’s situation in Luke 1? How is Mary different from you?
  5. What does it mean to “magnify” God?
  6. Which of Mary’s three images of God means the most to you? Which image challenges you the most? Why?
  7. In what way(s) do we confuse humility with weakness?
  8. Why do we insist on “writing the story” rather than getting involved in God’s story?
  9. Where will you look for beauty this week?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Luke 1:26-38
Tuesday - Luke 1:39-45
Wednesday - Acts 17:16-34
Thursday - Romans 1:1-7
Friday - Matthew 25:31-46
Saturday - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Resources for the bigger story
Frazee, Randy. The Heart of the Story. Zondervan, 2011.

Smith, James Bryan. The Magnificent Story. InterVarsity, 2017.


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