All Things New (Study Guide)

“All Things New”
Sermon Study Guide for September 9, 2018

Scripture: Revelation 21:1-5

1 John 4:18: perfect love

  1. “The Day of the Lord”

Amos 5:18-19
Zechariah 3:9
Acts 1:6; Mark 13:32

2. The bigger story of the End
God will make __________________ new
Revelation 21:1
Ephesians 1:10

God will make __________________ new
Revelation 21:2-3
Genesis 17:1
Matthew 22:30

God will make __________________ new
Revelation 21:4
2 Corinthians 2:9-10
Psalm 56:8

Revelation 21:5; Jeremiah 29:11

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Do you remember hearing any teaching about the end of time as a kid? How was it presented? How did you respond?
  2. Recall the four parts of the Christian story (the bigger story). Where do you find “hope” in each stage of the story?
  3. How did what Jesus did contrast with people’s expectations? What does this tell us about the way God works?
  4. What images of heaven/eternity have you held most tightly onto? Are those images supported by Scripture? Why or why not?
  5. What does it mean that God will make all things new in the end? How does this promise fill you with hope?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Genesis 28:10-22
Tuesday - Genesis 29:1-30
Wednesday - Genesis 30:1-24
Thursday - Genesis 35:1-15
Friday - Genesis 35:16-29
Saturday - Genesis 37:1-20

Resources for the bigger story
Mulholland, Robert. Revelation: Holy Living in an Unholy World. Francis Asbury Press, 1990.

Peterson, Eugene. Reversed Thunder. HarperOne, 1988.

Wright, N. T. Surprised by Hope. HarperOne, 2008.


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