Of Camels and Commas (Study Guide)

“Of Camels and Commas”
Sermon Study Guide for September 23, 2018

Scripture: Genesis 37:19-36 (NLT)

1. Joseph’s Life & Context

Hebrews 11:1 - without faith…


Joseph in the cistern…and his brothers


2. God’s Dreams For You

God’s sovereignty


“God of the comeback”

Camels & Commas

The next 13 years…

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Why is hope so crucial in living out our lives? What happens when we lack hope?
  2. When have you felt like Joseph did while in the cistern?
  3. Have you ever had a personal Dothan? What happened? How did that shape your life after?
  4. What does it mean that your chaos is clear to God?
  5. When you think of God being sovereign, how do you react? How does that affect your daily life?
  6. What have you experienced the “God of the comeback”?
  7. Share a time where what you thought was an end was only a comma.

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Genesis 38:1-11
Tuesday - Genesis 38:12-23
Wednesday - Genesis 38:24-30
Thursday - James 1:1-8
Friday - Genesis 39:1-10
Saturday - Genesis 39:11-23

Resources for the Dreamer
Elliott, Stephen. Joseph: A Story About a Family. Seedbed, 2016.

Heath, Sarah. What’s Your Story? Abingdon, 2016.

Seamands, David. Living With Your Dreams. Victor, 1990.


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