New Beginnings (Study Guide)

“New Beginnings”
Sermon Study Guide for April 21, 2019

Scripture: John 20:1-10

Ernest Hemingway: “The world _____________ everyone.”

1. Sunday Morning
Trips to the garden tomb…
Peter and John

They weren’t expecting ________________________

John 11:24 – Lazarus

2. New Beginnings
We don’t do “new” well…

If Jesus was raised from the dead…
1 Corinthians 15:54-57

The worst thing is never _________________________

“Do it again!”
Mark 10:15

Questions for Discussion and Reflection
  1. Where have you experienced the brokenness of our world? Where have you experienced the truth of Hemingway’s words: “The world breaks everyone”?
  2. What do you imagine was going through Mary’s mind as she made her way to the garden that morning?
  3. What is a death that has made a significant impact on your life?
  4. Which evidence for Jesus’ resurrection might impact you the most? Why?
  5. What does it mean to you to “believe” in the Resurrection? What questions do you still have?
  6. If Jesus was raised from the dead, what does that change? What does that change in your life?
  7. What one step will you take this week, in the midst of the brokenness in your life, to bring fresh life, new beginnings, resurrection to the world around you? How will others see the hope of the resurrected Jesus living in you?

Resources for Friendship House:
Friend (College Student):
Resident (Special Needs):

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?


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