The End is the Beginning (Study Guide)

“The End is the Beginning”
Sermon Study Guide for April 14, 2019

Scripture: Psalm 23:6

1. The End of the Journey

Love (hesed)

2. The End of Jesus’ Journey
The Mount of Olives
Luke 19:38; Psalm 118:26

Dominus Flevit
Luke 19:41-44

3. At Home With the Lord
Psalm 27

Matthew 25:31-46

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Why are “goodness” and “love” the most important things David can imagine “following” him? What does that image mean?
  2. Why is hesed “the defining characteristic of God”?
  3. When things are difficult, how do you experience the goodness and love of your Shepherd?
  4. Picture Jesus weeping as he stands on the side of the Mount of Olives. What is he weeping about? In what way are you a part of his tears?
  5. As evidenced by the way you live, what priority does Jesus have in your life? If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
  6. What does it mean that “eternity begins now”?
  7. How will you allow “goodness and love” to flow through you this week?
  8. How will you spend intentional time with Jesus during this Holy Week?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - John 12:1-11
Tuesday - John 12:20-36
Wednesday - John 13:21-32
Thursday - John 13:1-17
Friday - John 19:16-22
Saturday - John 19:38-42

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?


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