God's Calling (Study Guide)

“God’s Calling”
Sermon Study Guide for October 13, 2019

Scripture: Exodus 3:1-10

1 Corinthians 10:11 - look to the past

1. God can get our ____________________

2. Settled in the Wilderness
comfortable and _______________________

3. God heard the ______________________

called out of the _________________________

4. God uses ________________________

5. What We Learn from Moses
about humans

about God

2 Corinthians 6:2 - “now is the day”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Who in your past has taught you the most about God?
  2. What does the symbol of fire tell us about God?
  3. Recall a time when you felt you had “blown it” and that God could never use you. What happened? What is the truth that counters that belief?
  4. What causes us to become comfortable and complacent these days?
  5. How has God used wilderness times in your own life to shape you?
  6. What does your comfort zone look like? What would it take for you to follow God out of it?
  7. How do we find God’s will for us?
  8. How is God calling you?
  9. What about this part of Moses’ life challenges you? What scares you? How will you respond?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Exodus 5:1-21
Tuesday - Exodus 5:22-6:12
Wednesday - Exodus 7:1-24
Thursday - Exodus 8:1-32
Friday - Exodus 9:1-35
Saturday - Exodus 10:1-29

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: that God would use you in any way He wants


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