If Only! (Study Guide)

“If Only!”
Sermon Study Guide for October 27, 2019

Scripture: Exodus 16:1-3

1. Grumbling


“We don’t resist _________________; we resist _____________.”

If only… (16:3)

______ percent of the psalms are lament

2. God is Big Enough

Manna - “What is it?”

James 4:2-7
Matthew 6:8, 25-34

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Do you ever grumble? What or who is the object of most of your grumbling?
  2. Respond to the idea that we most resist is loss.
  3. Have you had an “if only” moment? What was it? Recall how that felt.
  4. When have you been reluctant to complain to God? Why were you reluctant?
  5. What is God’s response to the people’s complaint? Why, do you think, does God choose to respond this way?
  6. What’s your manna? What do you most need God to provide for you this week?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Exodus 16:1-20
Tuesday - Exodus 16:21-36
Wednesday - Exodus 17:1-7
Thursday - Exodus 18:1-27
Friday - Exodus 19:1-13
Saturday - Exodus 19:14-25

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Pray that you will recognize God’s provision. 

Pray for what you most need at this point in life.


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