All the Eggs in the Easter Basket (Study Resources)

Questions for Study
  1. What is your biggest disappointment about the way Easter is being celebrated this year?
  2. What is the best thing about the way Easter is being celebrated this year?
  3. In what way(s) is this Easter like the first Easter?
  4. Why do you think no one anticipated a resurrection, even though Jesus talked about it ahead of time?
  5. What proof of the resurrection speaks the most to you?
  6. What word of hope does the resurrection speak to you?
  7. What are you most looking forward to when Jesus gives you a resurrection body?
  8. How do you experience the victorious life or the life of hope?
Scriptures for the Week
Monday - Mark 16:1-8
Tuesday - Luke 24:1-12
Wednesday - John 20:19-31
Thursday - 1 Corinthians 15:1-34
Friday - 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Saturday - James 2:14-26


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