Wearing God (Study Guide)

April 26

Questions for discussion
1. In what way do "clothes make the man or woman" today? How do we judge others by what they wear?
2. A consequence of the first sin was shame. How is shame still a big part of our sin today?
3. "Something died so that Adam and Eve could live." How do you respond to that statement?
4. There are three divides Paul describes in Galatians: cultural, social and gender. Which of these do you most struggle to overcome? Why?
5. How do you picture Christ as a garment? In what ways do you seek to "wear" him?
6. Who in your life most exemplifies someone who is "clothed with Christ"? Share about that person.
7. Where is a place in your life where you struggle to live like Jesus? What one step will you take this week to make strides in that area?

Scriptures for the Week
Monday - Genesis 3:1-24
Tuesday - Revelation 7:9-17
Wednesday - Luke 4:14-30
Thursday - 1 Peter 5:1-11
Friday - Colossians 3:1-17
Saturday -  John 6:25-59


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