What Kind of King (Study Questions)

As LifeGroups and other groups begin to gather again online, we have been asked to provide the usual questions and Scripture readings each week. So they will appear here and on Facebook.

  1. What effect has the different sort of Lent we’ve had this year had on you and your family?
  2. Do you think of Jesus as more “meek and mild” or as a revolutionary? Why do you say that?
  3. What about Passover would stir up people’s feelings of wanting freedom?
  4. Why is the song the people sing so challenging to the authorities?
  5. Which of the four types of miracles are you most familiar with? Have you experienced any of them?
  6. Which of the four types of miracles are most needed in our world today? Why?
  7. What does it look like in your world to “overcome evil with good”? In what way will you respond to this revolution of love?
  8. Are you ready for Easter?

Scripture for the week:

Monday - Mark 11:12-33
Tuesday - Mark 12:15-44
Wednesday - Mark 13:32-37
Thursday - Mark 14:12-26
Friday - Mark 15:33-47
Saturday - Silence


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