One Voice
John 10:22-30 August 27, 2023 • Mount Pleasant UMC A reporter came to Calcutta one time to interview Mother Teresa, and in the course of the conversation the topic turned to prayer. “What do you say when you pray?” the reporter asked the nun. “Nothing,” Mother Teresa replied. “I just listen.” “Well, then, what does God say to you when you pray?” the reporter pushed, to which Mother Teresa replied, “Nothing, he just listens.” Christians talk a lot about prayer. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been going through old sermons and I noticed that over the years I have preached a lot on the topic of prayer. Even earlier this year, we walked through the Lord’s Prayer and talked about the ways Jesus taught his disciples and us to pray. We talk a lot about prayer and when we pray, we talk a lot. We tend to do all the talking, in fact. We tell God what we want. We often tell God how we want it and how he should accomplish it. And, if you listen to a lot of praying like I do, you will notice...