Even This (Study Guide)

 “Even This”

Sermon Study Guide for December 24, 2023

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Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1-5

1. “Uriah’s Wife”

“when kings go off to war”

David’s multiple sins…

trauma upon trauma

2. David, the Greatest King

“the chain of sin’s consequences”

11:27 - “displeased the Lord”

3. How We Can Respond

Isaiah 42:1-4a - the servant

a. ___________________ Matter

James 1:5

b. Don’t _____________________

c. Be there __________________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Why do you think David stays home from the battle? What happens when we take our eyes off our main purpose?
  2. When have you experienced the need to over one sin with another sin? What happened?
  3. How does David take advantage of his role and authority?
  4. Why do you think this story is told about Israel’s “greatest king”?
  5. In what way does Nathan’s story (2 Samuel 12) get past David’s defenses and explanations?
  6. In what way is Bathsheba a “background player” in her own story?
  7. Which of the responses do you need to experience the most? Which of the responses do you need to practice the most? Why?
  8. What have you learned from the four women in Jesus’ genealogy? Which one of their stories affected you the most? Why?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Luke 2:1-20

Tuesday - Luke 2:21-40

Wednesday - Isaiah 42:1-9

Thursday - James 1:2-8

Friday - Isaiah 43:1-13

Saturday - Isaiah 43:14-28

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?


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