Don't Tear It! (Study Guide)

 “Don’t Tear It”

Sermon Study Guide for March 3, 2024

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Scripture: John 19:23-27

The Burning House…

1. Soldiers at the Cross

Five pieces of clothing…


2. Reactions to Death


“the holiest place”

a childlike heart


mixed-up values

showing up

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. If your house suddenly caught on fire, what would you grab as you fled out the door?
  2. Imagine you are one of the soldiers at the cross. What goes through your mind as you do your job? What do you feel? How do you think other people perceive you?
  3. Why do you think Mary stayed near the cross? How might she have reacted to the presence and the actions of the soldiers?
  4. What do you learn about people’s reactions to someone who is dying or who has died?
  5. In what way(s) do children perceive holiness and sacredness better than adults? Why do you think that is?
  6. Read the parable of the seeds (Matthew 13:3-9). What kind of soil are you right now? Why is that? What kind of soil do you want to be?
  7. How have you experienced the world’s “mixed-up values”?
  8. What will you do this week to refocus?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Matthew 13:3-9

Tuesday - Matthew 13:18-23

Wednesday - Mark 10:13-16

Thursday - Matthew 18:1-9

Friday - Psalm 139:13-18

Saturday - Luke 23:39-43

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Refocus.


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