Give Me His Body (Study Guide)

 “Give Me His Body”

Sermon Study Guide for March 24, 2024

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Scripture: Mark 15:42-47

1. Joseph


Skull Hill…

Going to Pilate…

2. You and Me

“go along to get along”

serve the person in front of us

Matthew 25:40

serve the person who can’t repay you

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Why, do you think, Joseph chose to be a “secret disciple” of Jesus? When you are tempted to be a “secret disciple”?
  2. What was it that prompted Joseph to reveal his connection to Jesus?
  3. What does it mean that he was “waiting for the kingdom of God”? In what way(s) are we still waiting for that kingdom?
  4. What did Joseph risk in going to Pilate? In what way(s) do you find yourself risking for Jesus’ sake?
  5. Where are we most tempted to compromise our faith and values today?
  6. Where will you risk being misunderstood to serve Jesus this week?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - John 18:1-18

Tuesday - John 18:19-40

Wednesday - John 19:1-16

Thursday - John 19:17-27

Friday - John 19:28-42

Saturday - Silence

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Reflect on the crucifixion this week.


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