The Best of the Worst (Study Guide)

 “The Best of the Worst”

Sermon Study Guide for March 14, 2021

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Scripture: John 10:11-21

Well-worn paths…

1. “I am the Good Shepherd”

Matthew 23:1-3 - Pharisees


Exodus 3:1 - Moses

1 Samuel 16:11 - David

Jeremiah 23:3

Ezekiel 34:12

2. What Jesus meant

“Hireling” - John 15:13

Welcome - John 10:15-16, 30

Name - John 10:14; Isaiah 43:1

3. How we live it out

Protection/Salvation - John 3:16-17

Welcome - Matthew 25

Name - Job 1:8

Psalm 23:1-6

Questions for Discussion and Reflection

  1. What are your “well-worn paths”? What places and situations bring you a sense of security?
  2. What images come to your mind when you hear about “shepherds”? How do those compare or contrast with the images from the first century?
  3. What is the difference between a true shepherd and a hireling?
  4. What does Jesus mean when he says he has “other sheep” to call? How do you react to that statement? Why do you respond that way?
  5. Why do many in our world today think Christians are in the “condemnation” business? How can we change that perception? How can you help change that perception?
  6. What does it mean to you that God knows your name? What difference does that make in the way you live?
  7. What do you intend to do during the rest of Lent to increase your welcome to strangers, both in church and in the community?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Isaiah 43:1-7

Tuesday - 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Wednesday - John 15:1-17

Thursday - John 3:16-21

Friday - Matthew 23:1-12

Saturday - John 14:1-7

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Pray for those who need the shepherd.


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