More Vile (Study Guide)

 “More Vile”

Sermon Study Guide for June 9, 2024

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Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10

The wrong way…

1. Bristol

outdoor preaching - “more vile”

New Room

2. The Impact of Grace

a. People were ______________________________

Ephesians 2:5, 8

“…but God…”

grace is the ____________________ word

poiema (2:10)

b. Tell _________________ about that grace

Read Wesley’s sermon, “The Almost Christian”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Have you ever gone the wrong way (on the highway or in life)? What happened?
  2. When you hear the word “grace,” what images come to mind? What people most exhibit grace in your life?
  3. How does “grace” save a person? What does it save us from?
  4. Have you had a “but God” moment in your life? Share the story of what happened.
  5. Where do you see (or not see) evidence of grace in our world today? In what way(s) is grace the only thing the church can do that the world can’t?
  6. What is meant by the statement, “Beauty will save the world”?
  7. Why do we share the gospel so infrequently? What can you do in your life to change that?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Romans 7:7-25

Tuesday - Romans 8:1-17

Wednesday - Romans 8:18-39

Thursday - Romans 10:1-13

Friday - Acts 26:12-29

Saturday - James 2:14-26

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: For ways to change the world.


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