Start the Party (Study Guide)

 “Start the Party”

Sermon Study Guide for June 30, 2024

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Luke 5:27-32


1. Matthew, the Traitor

“Follow me”

2. The Two Groups

a. Inside the house

b. Outside the house

Jesus redefines ________________________

The self-righteous…

3. A Matthew Party

Bottom line: Jesus is _________________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What is your favorite kind of party? What would be an ideal party that you would really love to attend?
  2. How do you think most people reacted to Matthew? How do you think the other disciples reacted to him being included in their group?
  3. To whom do you relate the most in this story: Matthew’s friends, the disciples, or the Pharisees? Why do you say that?
  4. Why does Jesus equate being outside the kingdom as being “sick” and needing a doctor?
  5. In what way(s) does Jesus redefine who is welcome at the table? Do we follow his redefinition? Why or why not?
  6. How will you choose to live out this week’s bottom line?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Matthew 9:9-13

Tuesday - John 14:1-7

Wednesday - Luke 7:11-17

Thursday - Luke 7:36-50

Friday - Luke 9:37-43

Saturday - Matthew 22:1-14

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Jesus loves to welcome the outcast. Do we?


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